Growing your sports business has never been easier!

Are you ready to simplify growth and develop your gym at lightning speed?

Get free access to our knowledge below.

    We are your partner in sports company development!

    Attract new members with ease

    Benefit from commercial & operational training

    Get personalized business coaching for accelerated growth


    Here are the facts on the average gym:

    A LOT
    # of members required to be profitable
    €20 - €75
    price per member
    Net profit: €29,520

    The top 5% within 
the market:

    < 100
    # of members required to be profitable
    €200 - €600
    price per member
    Net profit: €191,600

    The Difference


    €162K PROFIT


        We excel in various sports niches!

        Boutique clubs
        personal trainer
        PT STUDIOS
        Why Choose Gamechangers:

        Our specialty lies in increasing sports company profits. We have a proven track record of success in the industry.

        Thomas Murman Founder of GameChangers
        Business Partner
        Business Partner
        Google Review
        Our customers rate us with a 4.8 out of 5 stars on Google Review
        Trust Pilot
        Our customers rate us with a 4.7 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot
        Business Partner
        Business Partner
        Google Review
        Our customers rate us with a 4.8 out of 5 stars on Google Review
        Trust Pilot
        Our customers rate us with a 4.7 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot

        LEt us do it, or let us teAch you how

        our 2 offers

        Marketing Agency

        More leads, more sales, and more time for you.

        Outsource your marketing to us, you will be assigned a personal marketer to lead you to better results.

        • Automates the lead generation funnel.
        • Receive 50 up to 250 leads per month.
        • Direct contact person who will help you with questions.

        Coaching Academy

        Learn the best techniques to improve your gym yourself.

        When you participate in the coaching academy you will be assigned a 1:1 expert business coach.

        • Helps with course implementation.
        • Experience expert.
        • Motivates you to achieve your goal.
        Included in both services

        Game Changers marketing software

        Clear dashboard

        Manage all your incoming marketing leads in one simple overview, follow them up easily and immediately see what your commercial results are.

        Automated processes

        Send your leads automatic text messages, have the voicemail recorded directly, automatically schedule appointments and more.

        Full funnel

        With our drag & drop funnel builder you can quickly and easily develop a sales funnel that achieves the highest conversions.

        How It Works in Three Simple Steps

        You'll be up and running in no time.

        Book an introduction and set goals.

        Talk to one of the coaches,set your goals and make a plan to achieve them.


        Outsource your leadgeneration with us, or learn the systems for success yourself!

        GROWTh PHASE

        Work with your expert mentor to improve your sales profit.


        Gamechangers has empowered countless gym owners to create wildly successful and thriving fitness enterprises.

        The only question is, will yours be next?



        Monthly Revenue
        "Snelle en toegewijde ondersteuning. Mooi resultaat, op naar meer!"


        Monthly Revenue
        "We vragen nu tarieven die we vroeger nooit voor mogelijk hadden gehouden."


        Monthly Revenue
        "Wij werken nu een jaar samen met Gamechangers en zijn erg tevreden."


        Monthly Revenue
        "Na corona hebben we snel nieuwe leden weten binnen te halen door onze samenwerking met Gamechangers."


        Monthly Revenue
        "Door te teamen met Gamechangers hebben we in totaal 242 nieuwe leden ingeschreven!"


        Monthly Revenue
        "Vanaf de eerste dag ontvangen we een sterke instroom van nieuwe leden. Absolute aanrader!"


        Monthly Revenue
        "Ik ben gestopt met mijn part-time job en ben nu full-time personal trainer met een volle agenda."


        Monthly Revenue
        "Ik had nog nooit eerder met een marketingkantoor gewerkt, maar ik word heel goed geholpen door Gamechangers."

        The only question is, will yours be next?


        Frequently Asked Questions.

        Find answers to common queries about Gamechangers' services.

        How does a collaboration with Gamechangers work?

        If you’re interested in our services, taking the next step is a breeze. The first step is booking an introduction call. During this call you will directly receive valuable insights in the potential of your business and have a inside look at the financial performance of the best-in-class gyms. We’ll also provide expert guidance on how we can best assist you in reaching your goals.

        You can schedule this appointment by completing the intake form found beneath this FAQ or by sending an email to

        Your next step is deciding which method suits you best. If you want to grow quickly but have limited time, our Marketing Service will be a perfect fit. If you want to learn all of our techniques yourself, no problem! Our Academy Service will certainly amaze you.

        In both scenarios, you’ll be assigned a dedicated personal coach who will provide amazing support and guidance. This ensures that you achieve your goals swiftly and effortlessly!

        What type of sports companies can go to Game Changers?

        The answer is simple: we have experience with all of them. To provide a better understanding of our specialties, here is a list of fitness-related businesses and studios we have experience with:

        • Fitness centers, both chains and individual
        • Crossfit
        • Bootcamps
        • Personal trainers
        • Online coaches
        • Boutique studios, such as: Yoga Boxing Personal Training MMA Pilates HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training)
        • Barre
        • Cycling EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation)
        • Milon circle
        • Biocircuit
        • Functional
        • Physiotherapy combinations

        So, whether you run a fitness center, own a yoga studio, or work as a personal trainer, we have the experience and knowledge to help you grow.

        What services do Gamechangers offer?

        Our services are aimed at increasing revenue, attracting new members, enhancing profitability, and effectively optimizing sports businesses.

        We offer two options:

        We can do the work for you and provide you with monthly leads based on your objectives.

        Or you can choose to learn the techniques yourself and receive step-by-step guidance from us in achieving your growth goals.

        Moreover: We offer specialized training programs in the fields of sales and marketing, including Google Search and Meta Ads (Facebook and Instagram). Additionally, we provide business management advice and give insight in valuable datasets so you can confidently optimize and grow your business.

        Why are the Game Changers the best option to grow my sports business?

        Why is chocolate so delicious? Why is the sky blue? All jokes aside, instead of indulging in unabashed self-praise in this section, let’s allow the facts about our organization to speak for itself:

        We Specialization in Sports Businesses ONLY: We are experts in the field of sports businesses, boasting comprehensive knowledge of both the operational and financial aspects. This positions us as a genuine partner for your business.

        We go beyond Marketing and Lead Generation: Our expertise transcends mere marketing and lead generation. We understand that achieving business growth entails more than just generating leads. While many marketing companies stop at this point, we take it a step further, ensuring you implement the right strategies to realize your ambitious goals.

        We ONLY build Long-term Relationships: We don’t engage in short-lived partnerships; instead, we invest in nurturing enduring relationships with our clients. This empowers us to continuously optimize your business, provide staff training, and offer fresh insights from our extensive national network of sports businesses.

        We only use what’s been PROVEN: Our growth plans and marketing strategies are founded on robust data. We combine both internal and external research to swiftly solidify your growth objectives and determine the precise actions required to attain them.

        So, if you’re seeking a specialist capable of helping you attain your growth objectives with pinpoint accuracy, simply click the button below this FAQ to schedule an introductory meeting!

        I have a lot of competition that puts pressure on my price. What should I do?

        We hear this question quite frequently. In fact, it’s one of the most common assumptions entrepreneurs have before collaborating with us.

        Interestingly, raising the price of your services is often an effective way to increase your revenue. However, many entrepreneurs believe they can’t charge more than their competitors because they might lose customers. Our experience, however, teaches us that successful sports entrepreneurs often charge more than their competitors and are still able to attract more clients.

        If you’re grappling with this issue, we have good news: we’ve developed a specific training to assist you. In our training programs, we delve deeper into what sets successful sports entrepreneurs apart from their competitors who charge less. Here’s a sneak peek: it’s not about the location or setup of your business. We’ve had sports entrepreneurs who, after undergoing our training, were able to raise their average price from 40 euros per member per month to 280 euros per member per month.

        I feel that there is not enough growth potential in my region / for my type of sports company. Could that be possible?

        Unless you are already hauling in heaps of cash the answer is: No, growth is never impossible.

        We’ve assisted all types of sports businesses across the country, and chances are, we may have even worked with one right in your neighborhood. The reason it sometimes seems impossible is that there’s a chance you might be missing a piece of the puzzle.

        As a busy sports entrepreneur, finding this missing piece and understanding what’s lacking can be challenging. It’s understandable that sports entrepreneurs don’t have the time to peek into the books of 20 competitors and share their success stories.

        But here’s the good news: We are specialized in helping in this field. We’ll quickly help you gain insight into where your biggest growth opportunities lie and provide you with a concrete roadmap to get there. Whether it’s improving your service offerings, fine-tuning your marketing, or enhancing your team’s sales skills, we’ll identify the issue and assist you in resolving it. So, growth is never impossible, and we’re here to support you every step of the way. Let’s have a chat! Click on the button below this section and have all your questions answered.